First published on www.designwalesforum.org
date: 14th October 2013
author: Victoria Jones


Makers Using Technology
Call Out

We are offering four paid residencies to contemporary makers to develop and create new work using haptic modelling software and 3D printing technologies.

Great example of Z Corp Printing from Matthew Plummer-Fernandez, part of his Digital Natives range


In recent years new technologies have enabled makers to create and develop works in ways not possible solely with hand tools. Exhibitions such as the Crafts Council’s Lab Craft, have demonstrated the exciting possibilities for makers when they add new technologies to their tool box.

Object emerging from Z Corp dust bed

Object emerging from Z Corp dust bed


As part of the residencies, there will be a training program to enable the selected makers to develop a working knowledge of modelling software (Freeform) and four 3D printing technologies. The training will be delivered by Design Wales Forum/ PDR staff. Alongside the technical training, a tailored programme of ‘business’ support will be offered to the residents. Sessions will be dependent on the requirements of the individual makers but can include design process management, or strategies for connecting with galleries/customers.

Freeform virtual haptic modelling system in action

Where? How long? How much?

Each residency will be eight weeks duration, with an expectation that the resident will be in our building for a minimum of two days per week. The residencies will be held at The National Centre for Product Design and Research at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Cardiff. The first residency will run from December 2013 and the last will complete in July 2014. A fee of £1500 will be paid to each resident.


For our purposes ‘maker’ is a broad term encompassing craft, designer maker and fine art activity. We are looking for makers:

  • based in Wales
  • established with a demonstrable practice profile (exhibitions, commissions, residencies, web presence)
  • who demonstrates a quality and originality of practice
  • who demonstrates an enthusiasm for embracing new ideas/ tools/ ways of working
  • who are clear about the anticipated impact of the work made in the residency beyond it’s timescale

Stereo Lithography Printing in process by designer/jeweller Karen Dell'Ami, part of Karen's 'Spirit' range

Final bracelet by Karen Dell'Ami, part of Karen's 'Spirit' range

The residencies are being offered by Design Wales Forum, which is a project of Design Wales part of the National Centre for Product Design and Research (PDR). The residencies have been funded by the Arts Council Wales through the lottery fund, and the National Centre for Product Design and Research.

How to apply

If you are an established maker, based in Wales who finds the idea of extending your practice into new areas exciting, then you are welcome to apply.
For more details visit
Makers Using Technology Information.docx or
Makers Using Technology Information.doc
To apply click the link
Makers Using Technology Application Form.docx or
Makers Using Technology Application Form.doc

Deadline to apply midnight 13th of November 2013

Meet the team

We are holding a seminar on the 1st of November so that potential applicants can meet the team and see and demo the technologies. To book a place visit Book a place on Makers Using Technology Seminar. Only book a place onto the seminar if you are interested in applying for a residency. If you have a commercial enquiry, please contact us separately

Z Corp prints of the Makers Using Technology Team: Victoria Jones, Peter Dorrington and Tom Edmunds


The residencies are being offered by Design Wales Forum, and have been funded by the Arts Council Wales through the lottery fund, and the National Centre for Product Design and Research.