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Makers Using Technology - Residency 3 | Gwneuthurwyr yn defnyddio Technoleg – Cyfnod Preswyl - 3 Beate Gegenwart Beate with workshop manager Lloyd Stoker looking at some test 3D prints about to go into the fridge to cool | Beate gyda’r rheolwr gweithdy Lloyd Stoker yn edrych ar rai printiadau 3D prawf sydd ar fin mynd i mewn i’r oergell i oeri. Beate Gegenwart is halfway through her Makers Using Technology residency with us. She has been learning how to use the haptic modeling software Freeform and learning about our different 3D printing technologies. Mae Beate Gegenwart hanner ffordd drwy ei chyfnod preswyl Gwneuthurwyr yn Defnyddio Technoleg gyda ni. Bu’n dysgu sut i ddefnyddio meddalwedd modelu haptig Freeform a dysgu am ein technolegau argraffu 3D gwahanol. ![]() Some Beate's source material that she has brought into our Makers Using Technology space | Peth o ddeunydd ffynhonnell Beate y daeth ag ef gyda hi i’r gofod Gwneuthurwyr yn Defnyddio Technoleg Beate is known for her water jet and laser cut 2D metal sculptures. During this residency she has had the chance to take a new approach to her practice. We are probably has excited as Beate to see her new work emerge. At only half way through the residency she has already made some interesting developments... Adwaenir Beate am ei cherfluniau metel 2D a dorrir â jet dŵr a laser. Yn ystod y cyfnod preswyl cafodd y cyfle i gymryd trywydd arall yn ei harfer. Rydym yn fwy na thebyg yr un mor gyffrous â Beate i weld ei gwaith newydd yn amlygu. A hithau hanner ffordd yn unig drwy ei chyfnod preswyl mae hi eisoes wedi gwneud rhai datblygiadau diddorol... Projet 3D prints in the raw with support structures still attached | Printiadau Prosiect 3D crai gyda strwythurau cynnal yn dal yn sownd iddynt One of the above prints without the supports | Un o’r printiadau uchod heb y strwythurau cynnal Tweet |
The residencies are being offered by Design Wales Forum, and have been funded by the Arts Council Wales through the lottery fund, and the National Centre for Product Design and Research. Caiff y cyfnodau preswyl eu cynnig gan Fforwm Dylunio Cymru ac fe’u hariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru drwy’r gronfa Loteri a’r Ganolfan Genedlaethol Dylunio Cynnyrch ac Ymchwil. |