


First published on
date: 24th Octobert 2014
author: Victoria Jones

Report On Makers Using Technology for Made In Roath

This year we were asked to give a talk about our Makers Using Technology residencies as part of Cardiff Arts Festival Made in Roath.

We split the evening into three talks.

Makers Using Technology 2014

Sean Peel

Sean Peel of the Surgical Procedure design team at National Centre for Product Design and Development Research, where we are based, gave a talk about his work. He uses the same technologies as the makers do during the Makers Using Technology residencies, haptic modelling software and 3D printing. Sean guided the audience through a facial reconstruction case that he had worked on using those technologies. With graphic images of surgery, his talk was at times gut wrenching as well as informative.

Makers Using Technology 2014

Dr Peter Dorrington explains FDM

Dr Peter Dorrington gave an overview of 3D printing technology. He gave insight of what the technologies can actually do. The audience were given sample prints of differing technologies so they could see and feel the differences. With two 3D printers in the room, Peter gave a live demonstration of what can be made.

Makers Using Technology 2014

Victoria Jones explains the processes that made Beate Gegenwart's work

Victoria Jones of Head of Makers Using Technology, talked through the four Makers Using Technology residencies hosted by us and participated in by Jessica Lloyd Jones, Anne Gibbs, Beate Gegenwart and Anna Lewis. She talked through the processes that the artists went through and showed their resultant work.


The residencies are being offered by Design Wales Forum, and have been funded by the Arts Council Wales through the lottery fund, and the National Centre for Product Design and Research.

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