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Meet the New Makers Using Technology Residents Back in March we did a call out for the second round of Makers Using Technology residencies. They will take place in the International Center for Design and Research (PDR) and supported by The Institute of Sustainable Design (ISD) and Arts Council Wales, just like the previous ones. This time the theme is 'Exploration of Materiality' and there will be two residencies running at the same time for 16 weeks. These residencies present an opportunity for makers to learn a haptic modelling system and use 3D printing technologies to create a new body of work. Aside from the technical training, the residents will have additional support to launch and publicise their work. Once again we have receive many outstanding applications and choosing only two finalists for this project was extremely difficult. The selection panel with the tough job of shortlisting the applicants consisted of:
Design Wales sends a big thank you to the first panel, their efforts are much appreciated. The final four makers were interviewed last week by the Makers Using Technology team: Dr Peter Dorrington, Emily Bilbie and Victoria Jones with the Operations Director of Design Wales and PDR Gavin Cawood. Finally, two makers were chosen and they will be joining us from next week until the end of August. Yn ôl ym mis Mawrth rhoesom alwad am yr ail rownd o gyfnodau preswyl Gwneuthurwyr yn Defnyddio Technoleg. Fe’u cynhelir yn y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar Gyfer Ymchwil Dylunio a Datblygu Cynnyrch (PDR), The Institute of Sustainable Design (ISD) ac fe’u hariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, fel y rhai blaenorol. Fodd bynnag, y tro hwn y thema yw 'Archwilio Cyfansoddiad Deunyddiau' a bydd dau gyfnod preswyl yn rhedeg ar yr un pryd am 16 wythnos. Bydd y cyfnodau preswyl hyn yn rhoi cyfle i wneuthurwyr ddysgu system fodelu haptig a defnyddio technolegau argraffu 3D i greu corff newydd o waith. Yn ogystal â’r hyfforddiant technegol, caiff yr artistiaid preswyl gefnogaeth ychwanegol i lansio a rhoi cyhoeddusrwydd i’w gwaith. Unwaith eto rydym wedi derbyn llawer o geisiadau eithriadol ac roedd dewis dim ond dau ar gyfer y prosiect hwn yn anodd dros ben. Y panel dewis a oedd â’r gwaith anodd o lunio rhestr fer o blith y ceisiadau oedd:
Hoffai Dylunio Cymru ddiolch yn fawr i’r panel cyntaf, caiff eu hymdrechion eu gwerthfawrogi’n fawr. Cafodd y pedwar gwneuthurwr a gyrhaeddodd y rhestr derfynol eu cyfweld yr wythnos ddiwethaf gan y tîm Gwneuthurwyr yn Defnyddio Technoleg: Peter Dorrington, Emily Bilbie a Victoria Jones gyda Chyfarwyddwr Gweithrediadau Dylunio Cymru a PDR Gavin Cawood. Yn olaf, dewiswyd dau wneuthurwr a byddant yn ymuno â ni o’r wythnos nesaf tan ddiwedd mis Awst. Sean Vicary HE IS an artist film maker based in West Wales. Has exhibited extensively across various national and international venues. HIS PRACTICE is concerned with ideas of landscape and how we interact with the natural world. HE SAID "I'm thrilled to be taking part in the residency and I can't wait to get hands on with the technology and explore the potential for my work with landscape and animation. I'm also hoping to gain a fresh perspective on my practice and open up a range of future possibilities and new directions". MAE EF yn artist gwneud ffilmiau sydd wedi’i leoli yng Ngorllewin Cymru. Mae wedi arddangos ei waith yn helaeth mewn amryw o leoliadau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol. MAE EI YMARFER yn ymwneud â syniadau o dirwedd a sut yr ydym yn rhyngweithio gyda’r byd naturiol. MEDDAI "Rwyf wrth fy modd i fod yn cymryd rhan yn y cyfnod preswyl ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i gael gweithio gyda’r dechnoleg ac archwilio’r potensial ar gyfer fy ngwaith gyda thirwedd ac animeiddiad. Gobeithiaf hefyd gael persbectif ffres ar fy ymarfer ac agor ystod o bosibiliadau a chyfeiriadau newydd i’r dyfodol." Zoe Preece SHE IS an artist-maker working primarily with ceramics. HER PRACTICE is focused on the "condition of being in-between states" exploring feelings of uncertainty and transition. SHE SAID "I am very excited to have been chosen for the ‘Exploration of Materiality’ residency programme with Design Wales". MAE HI yn artist-wneuthurwr sy’n gweithio’n bennaf gyda cherameg. MAE EI HYMARFER yn canolbwyntio ar y "sefyllfa o fod rhwng cyflyrau" gan archwilio teimladau o ansicrwydd a newid. MEDDAI "Rwy’n llawn cyffro i gael fy newis ar gyfer rhaglen breswyl ‘Archwilio Cyfansoddiad Deunyddiau’ Dylunio Cymru". We wish both makers the best of luck and look forward to them joining us soon! Hoffem ddymuno’r gorau i’r ddau wneuthurwr ac edrychwn ymlaen iddynt ymuno â ni’n fuan Tweet |
The residencies are being offered by Design Wales Forum, and have been funded by the Arts Council Wales through the lottery fund, and the National Centre for Product Design and Research. Caiff y cyfnodau preswyl eu cynnig gan Fforwm Dylunio Cymru ac fe’u hariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru drwy’r gronfa Loteri a’r Ganolfan Genedlaethol Dylunio Cynnyrch ac Ymchwil. |