date: September 2015
author: Victoria Jones

Update on Anne-Mie Melis' R&D residency

In April 2015 we were joined by Anne-Mie Melis who wanted to complete a Makers Using Technology R&D residency. Our R&D residencies follow the same processes as our commissioned residencies, the artists are trained in Freeform, 3D technologies and are mentored, the difference is the artists seek external funding to do it. In this case Anne-Mie was funded by the Arts Council Wales.

Anne-Mie’s art work is concerned with humanity’s relationship with nature and how this may evolve in the future. During her residency Anne-Mie developed a new body of work. The delicate works are imagined seedpods created via digital making processes... haptic modelling and Projet printing. Anne-Mie's work is a useful example of how the digital making processes allow an artist to create work that would be difficult/ impossible by hand.

Anne Mie Melis Makers Using TechnologyA Projet print of one of Anne-Mie Melis' work before wax support structure has been melted away

makers using technology Anne Mie MelisWork: Anne-Mie Melis 2015

Anne Mie Melis Makers Using TechnologyWork: Anne-Mie Melis 2015

makers using technology Anne Mie MelisWork: Anne-Mie Melis 2015

makers using technology Anne Mie MelisWork: Anne-Mie Melis 2015


The residency was offered through Design Wales Forum, and funded by the Arts Council Wales and the National Centre for Product Design and Research.

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