date: September 2015
author: Victoria Jones

Update on Sean Vicary's 'Exploration of Materiality' Residency

Diweddariad am Gyfnod Preswyl Artist Sean Vicary

Artist Sean Vicary completed his Exploration of Materiality residency with us at the end of August 2015. Sean has created a new body of work intertwining some of the existing themes within his work with new ones.

Cwblhaodd yr artist Sean Vicary ei gyfnod preswyl ‘Archwilio Cyfansoddiad Deunyddiau’ gyda ni ar ddiwedd mis Awst 2015. Mae Sean wedi creu corff newydd o waith sy’n cydblethu themâu sydd eisoes yn bodoli yn ei waith gyda rhai newydd.

Sean Vicary's art work explores the subjective, scientific, social and historical aspects of our relationship with the natural world. He is particularly drawn to ideas around place, through his work he has formed connections with particular landscapes. In this residency Sean particularly wanted to create genius loci, objects encapsulating the spirit of a place.

Mae gwaith celf Sean Vicary yn archwilio  agweddau gwrthrychol, gwyddonol, cymdeithasol a hanesyddol ein perthynas â’r byd ‘naturiol’. Caiff ei ddenu’n benodol at syniadau ynglŷn â lle, a thrwy ei waith mae wedi creu cysylltiadau â thirweddau penodol. Yn y cyfnod preswyl hwn roedd Sean yn awyddus i greu ‘genius loci’, gwrthrychau sy’n crynhoi ysbryd lle.


sean vicary training makers using technology Sean Vicary creates a work using haptic modelling system Freeform. Image Peter Dorrintgton.

For the Exploration of Materiality residencies we selected artists who explore materials or materiality within their work. Sean takes objects found within a particular landscape and creates assemblages either through physical making processes, or he digitizes them through photography and then creates virtual assemblages. The objects he makes and collects are then made dynamic through animation.

Ar gyfer y cyfnodau preswyl ‘Archwilio Cyfansoddiad Deunyddiau’ dewisom artistiaid sy’n archwilio deunyddiau neu gyfansoddiad deunyddiau yn eu gwaith. Bydd Sean yn cymryd gwrthrychau y deuir o hyd iddynt mewn tirwedd benodol ac yn creu cyfosodiadau naill ai drwy brosesau gwneud ffisegol, neu bydd yn eu digideiddio hwy drwy ffotograffiaeth ac yna’n creu cyfosodiadau rhithwir. Caiff y gwrthrychau a wneir ac a gesglir ganddo yna eu gwneud yn ddeinamig drwy animeiddiad.

sean vicary makers using technologySean Vicary 2015. Image Courtesy of the artist.

Sean Vicary makerbot makers using technologySean Vicary Makerbot print with supports attached. Image Victoria J.E. Jones

In his residency with us, Sean initially wanted to create work which bridged the physical and digital world...the landscape and his studio. He relished the opportunity to learn haptic 3D software as he usually works with 2D software and physical making processes.

In common with our other residents Sean went through a training programme to learn the basic tools of the haptic modeling system Freeform and how the 3D printing technologies we have access to work.

Sean was particularly taken with the 3D scanning tools we gave him access to. Through scanning his found objects with high and low fidelity scanners, Sean changed how he viewed the residency and the project he was doing.

Yn ei gyfnod preswyl gyda ni roedd Sean yn wreiddiol am greu gwaith a oedd yn pontio’r byd  ffisegol a digidol - y dirwedd a’i stiwdio. Mwynhaodd y cyfle i ddysgu defnyddio meddalwedd haptig 3D gan ei fod fel arfer yn gweithio gyda meddalwedd 2D a phrosesau gwneud ffisegol.

Fel ag y gwnaeth ein hartistiaid preswyl eraill, aeth Sean drwy raglen hyfforddi er mwyn dysgu am offer sylfaenol y system modelu haptig Freeform a sut mae’r technolegau argraffu 3D y mae genym fynediad atynt yn gweithio.

Gwnaed argraff ar Sean gan yr offer sganio 3D y cafodd fynediad atynt. Drwy sganio'r gwrthrychau y daeth o hyd iddynt gyda sganwyr cywirdeb uchel ac isel, newidiodd Sean y modd y gwelsai’r cyfnod preswyl a’r prosiect yr oedd yn ei wneud.

sean vicary makers using technologySean Vicary work in progress. Image Victoria J. E. Jones

Throughout the residency Sean has been caring for a relative with dementia. Sean’s mother no longer partitions time, location or people when articulating her memories, instead they are now mashed together. The past and present are immediately as one. Sean was fascinated with this and saw parallels between the mashed up memories and the tendency of our lower resolution scanning technology to pick up the environment surrounding the object being scanned. As part of the art works created with us, Sean scanned the head of his mother and then mashed it together with scans of seahorses.  Through this work Sean has opened a new theme in his work, that he intends to further explore beyond the residency.

Drwy gydol y cyfnod preswyl bu Sean yn gofalu am berthynas â dementia. Nid yw mam Sean mwyach yn ymrannu amser, lle neu bobl wrth fynegi ei hatgofion, yn hytrach maent nawr gymysg. Mae’r gorffennol a’r presennol ar unwaith fel un. Roedd Sean wedi’i gyfareddu gyda hyn a gwelodd debygrwydd rhwng yr atgofion cymysg a thuedd yn ein technoleg sganio eglurder is i ganfod yr amgylchedd sydd o gwmpas y gwrthrych gaiff ei sganio a’i aflunio. Fel rhan o’r gweithiau celf a grewyd gyda ni sganiodd Sean ben ei fam ac yna ei gymysgu gyda sganiau o forfeirch. Drwy’r gwaith hwn mae Sean wedi agor thema newydd yn ei waith, y bwriada ei harchwilio ymhellach wedi’r cyfnod preswyl.   

sean vicary makers using technologySean Vicary work in progress. Image Victoria J. E. Jones

sean vicary makers using technologySean Vicary work in progress. Image Victoria J. E. Jones

sean vicary makers using technologySean Vicary work in progress. Image Victoria J. E. Jones

sean vicary makers using technologySean Vicary work in progress. Image Victoria J. E. Jones

The tools Sean has been exposed to during the residency have opened out lots new an exciting avenues for future work. We wish Sean well and look forward to seeing what he does next!

Mae’r offer y cafodd Sean fynediad atynt yn ystod y cyfnod preswyl wedi agor llawer o lwybrau newydd a chyffrous ar gyfer gwaith yn y dyfodol. Dymunwn yn dda i Sean ac edrychwn ymlaen at weld beth a wnaiff nesaf!  


The residencies are being offered by Design Wales Forum, and have been funded by the Arts Council Wales through the lottery fund, and the National Centre for Product Design and Research.

Caiff y cyfnodau preswyl eu cynnig gan Fforwm Dylunio Cymru ac fe’u hariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru drwy’r gronfa Loteri a’r Ganolfan Genedlaethol Dylunio Cynnyrch ac Ymchwil.

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